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Mosogar Kingdom is located within Ethiope West Local Government Area of Delta State. It is bounded to the South by River Ethiope, to the West by Oghara demarcated by Jemison River. To the East by Idjerhe Kingdom and to the North by Edo State. Mosogar Town is the Headquarter of the kingdom. Other villages are Akopbome, Evwonogbor, Okwoghara, Okweokroki, Okoiga, Okouherevie, Ugbokpa, Etefe, Okoemore, Akwode, Oge, Ugbakele, Owe, James Thamos, Ugbevwe, Okoakpologun, Efo, Otumara, Ugbaikpe, Amaladi, Ukejere, AT&P Camp, Okokpokpor, Igbeghwore, Ajavwini, Orhokpokpor, Okorho, Okuotor, Ejeketa and Agotobi.
Mosogar kingdom is the twenty third political unit today in Urhobo nation by creation. David Money made the matter more lucid and germane in this regard, when he posited that in various part of the world, wondering people found tracts of the land with particular advantages such as the flat landscape, adequate water, fertile soil, wood for building and climate which suits the crops they could cultivate. These factors applied to Mosogar’s choice of location till date.
Oral history reveal the migration of Emasogar from Agbara- Otor in the fourteen century. Emasogar was reviled to be a greater hunter from Ekene quarter in the present day Agbara-Otor. In one of his hunting expenditures, he came across a river (River Ethiope) where he fell some cocked wood (uhovwe) which he creatively used to built a raft, with which he sailed across to the other side of the river. On the bank of the convex bend of the River he sighted a huge number of animals drinking water. As a brave and skilled hunter he was so curious and excited that he alighted from the raft to the shore and hunted for game. His efforts were rewarded with great catch that he marked the sport for future expectation. Being versed in Ekene dancing steps and uncanny wisdom charms and incantations, he planted an Oghriki tree (life tree) upside down to mark the spot where he had a memorable catch, after a critical survey of the features of the land. Thereafter, Emasogar retired home to Agbara —otor.
On his arrival at Agbara-otor, he was received by his community, neigbours and friends. To show his generous disposition, Emasogar gave various portion of meat to his kins, friends and neighbours.This exploit attracted curiosity from immediate family, neigbours and friends and thus solicited for his assistance to the wonderful site in his next trip.
Emasogar and his two sons, Urhie and Aka with few friends left Agbara-otor for the new found land the second time. Upon their arrival, Emasogar was very happy that theOghriki tree he planted upside down has sprouted. This to him symbolizes that the territory was fertile and suitable for settlement.Eventually, Emasogar, Urhie, Aka and his friends brought their family to the new she and settled down.
Mosogar people confirmed their migration from Agbara-otor and Emosogar as the founding father of the present day Mosogar Kingdom.This is the singular reason why any elderly male in Mosogar recount Emasogar during libation at important festival and prayer point when he says: Edion flu karo, Edion R’ Agbarha, Edion R ‘ Emasogar.
Translated unto English means: The Original spirit qf our ancestors, The spirit ofAgbarha, our ancestral home, The spirit of Mosogar our new home
These incantations are nostalgic feeling of Mosogar origin. Consequently, it’s interesting to note that while in the forest, Emasogarmet another group of persons in the eastern flank who happened to be his brother (Idjerhe people) after a pleasant chit chat.

Emasogar and Idjerhe maintained their relationship as brothers. Consequently at the time of modem civilization, the name Emosogar was corrupted to what is now known asMosogar. For administrative convenient, a clan was created comprising Mosogar and Idjerhe. The customary declaration clearly stated that the Kingship will be rotated between Idjerhe and Mosogar. However, on the demise of the first ovie, Atanaga, Idjerhe abandoned the brotherly agreement and insisted on producing the successor. This situation prompted Mosogar to seek a Kingdom of its own. Mosogar was therefore created in 2006.

The founding father of Mosogar establish the system of gerontocracy, where the eldest surviving male rule or administer people with the assistance of the chiefs and elders in council called Oguedion.
The term “Oguedion” is derived from two words. Ogua means house and Edion means the ancestral shrine that has been preserved for ages by our fore fathers.Oguedion however, is a house or hall where all the staffs (Ovwor sticks) of the most elderly dead male (Okaorho) are kept. However, he must be the Okaorho for more than three years. The meeting of the oguedion is held every two market weeks and it is the Okaorho (eldest male in the Kingdom) who pours libation on the ovwor stick.

Administrative Hierarchy
Prior to the creation of Mosogar Kingdom, the administrative structure is as follows:
a.Ekpe or Okaorho
The Ekpeor Okaorhopresides over the meeting of Oguedion. The Ugo or Unugrogodo(Senior Spokesman) follows in order of hierarchy then, the Unuevworo (Junior Spokesman) whom alongside the senior chief (Inohwa) and other chiefs and elders administer theaffairs of the communities and the villages.
The Inotu are the warriors/soldiers of the community. Their functions includes the followings:
a. They act as community police
b. Messengers to council of Chiefs and elders — Oguedion.
c. Supervises communal labour
d. Maintaining peace and order
Ighene are the youths between the ages of 1 5-3Oyears. Theirfiinctions includes the followings:
a. Digging of wells
b. Opening and maintenance of roads
C. Sweeping of markets
d. Providing sticks, thatch, mud e.t.c for community building
e. Clearing farm site
f. Planting and harvesting of crops
g. Security.
Eghweya is the council of women headed by the most eldest married woman in the community. Their roles are as follows:
a. keeping watch on women in moral matters
b. Settling dispute among women.
c. Socializing the women in cultural matters e.g. preparing them for marriage.
d. Participating in the cultural and religious festivals
e. Referring cases to the Oguedion for issues they could not settle or resolved.
The founding father of Mosogar established the administrative system of gerontocracy, where the eldest surviving male (Okaorho) rule over the people with the assistance of chiefs and elder in council called Oguedion, however, the creation of Mosogar clanlkingdom and the emergence of a king (Ovie) in the kingdom, the Ovie in Council became the highest ruling body in the Kingdom. Consequently, present structure of government in Mosogar are as follows:
a. Ovie in Council
b. Oguedion
C. Mosogar Development Union
d. Inotu
e. Eghweya
f. Ighene
The roles of Ogwedion, Inotu, Eghweya and Ighene were enumerated above, however, the role of the Ovie in Council and the Mosogar Development Union is outlined below:
The Ovie in Council is the highest organ in Mosogar Kingdom. The council is made up of equal numbers of selected chiefs nominated from Udurhie and Uduaka. His Royal Majesty, Ovie (king) of Mosogar presides over the meeting of ovie in council and being assisted by his deputy HRM Otota of Mosogar Kingdom.
The selection of Kingship in Mosogar Kingdom ids rotatory between Udurhie and Uduaka ruling Houses. Whenever Udurhie produces the ovie, Uduaka brings Otota.This system was put in place to institute power sharing devout of rancor.
Mosogar is traditionally an agrarian communities. The fertile land encourages most people to go into farming. However, most of the fanns are still at subsistence level. However, a good numbers of the farmers have gone into cash crop farming.
Oil Palm Plantation. In the past five decade, there have been large palm cultivation on individual holdings. Consequently, a lot small oil mills dot the landscape.
The challenge therefore is getting investors to maximize their profit on investment by developing oil palm value chain and using the bye products in the manufacturing industries for soaps, cream etc. secondly, the mills requires being improved upon to either semi automated or full automated system.
Cassava farming. A lot of hectares of land have been under cassava cultivation. In realization of the production of high quality yellowgarri in large scale, Delta State Government built a garri market in Mosogar. It should be emphasis here that Mosogar is noted for high quality yellow garri.The major challenge here is develop the value of cassava into products such industrial starch which can be exported for foreign exchange.
Rubber Plantation. Rubber was a major source of foreign exchange earning in Nigeria. However, with the discovery of synthetic rubber, the demand for demand for natural rubber in the international market drop thereby crashing the price. Recently, the rubber industry have started picking up and some farmers have started going into rubber plantation.

Challenges to Farmers
The major challenge confronting farmers is herdsmen destruction of crops and
attack. Delta State and Edo State jointly contributed land to establish Igbenoba
Forest Reserve. The greater portion of our farmland is situated within and around our own side of the reserve. As at today none of farmers can go there because of activities of the herdsmen. This situation has discouraged a lot of farmers and potential farmers.
Secondly, land preparation is a major issue in farming activities. Throughout Mosogar Kingdom there are no tractor hiring services for farmers. The farmers therefore spent so much money and money and energy in preparation for cultivation. Consequently, the farmers cannot go into large scale farming and the younger ones are discouraged from because of the hard work.

Mosogar kingdom has three main traditional festivals. However, recently the youths introduced the street carnival. The traditional festivals are Okuw, Ore and Iyerhi Festivals. The OkuFestical is normally celebrated between March and April every year. The Chief Priest is called Orhere. The Oku Festival is celebrated to appease the river deities.
The second festival is called Ore (New Yam) festival. It is usually celebrated in the month of September. It is celebrated to welcome the new yam. In those days yams planted within the compound (OnehOkoh) and fish pepper soup are the main items of the celebration.
The third festival is the Iyerhi festival. It is usually celebrated between November and December. It is celebrated to mark the harvest season. it is a period of plenty food.Iyerhi is a social day. The Oguedion in consultation with Ovie declare a day to mark the festival. Iyerhi festival is a day the rich culture of Mosogar people are displayed. Mosogar Development Union (MDU) is involved in the mobilization of participants and tourist for the festival. The participants includes all the villages, youthslnotu (Warriors) and Ekakurho.
The various villages and groups dressed gorgeously and danced through major Street in Mosogar town to the Civic Centre to pay traditional homage to the Ovie. The traditional dress of Mosogans (like very Urhobos) is wrapper with long shirt for men while women uses wrapper with blouse. For ceremonies George material are mostly used for the wrappers while lace for the top. The men uses bow hat and walking stick while women dressed with head tie, bag and shoe to march. The major food for Mosogan is starch with Banga soup or Oil soup (Oghwoofugbo) yam and plantain are in abundance.
Street carnival is a new entrance into the kingdom culture. The youths within the Christmas and New-year period do organize Annual Street Carnival. All the villages / quarters organizes theirs individual carnivals in preparation for the overall carnival in Mosogar town.

Mosogar Palm Wine and Tourism Resort
Mosogar has a lot of Rafia palm and palm trees and there is a lot of palm wine in Mosogar. In realization of this potential, the palm wine and Tourism Resort centrewas built. It comprises of outdoor sit out huts and a conference hall. The facilitiesissuitable for seminars and workshops and syndicates group can comfortable utilize the huts for group discussions. Currently marriages and other social activities takes place there.
Hotels and Restaurants
Mosogar has a lot of hotels and Restaurants, some of the notable ones are
Sublane Restaurant, Tripple S Hotel, Dansuma Hotel and Night Club, Nelvin’s
Hotel &Suites, Odudu Guest House, Paragon Resort, Kings White Restaurant
Mosogar Civic Centre is equipt with accommodation along with a medium size swimming pool for tourist and large event hail and open space suitable for out door event.
Tourism Potential
Mosogar has a lot of tourism potential. Currently there are two — three star hotels under construction. One of them has about 150 beds while the second hotel has about 100 beds. When completed these hotels will boost the commerce and tourism oflimane dance River Ethiope, with its gentle tide offers good facilities forboating toSapele and Oghara.
Commerce and Industries
Mosogar kingdom is bisected by the Benin- Warn Express High way and the old Benin — Sapele Road. Another Inter State running from Mosogar to Agbor through Oben in Edo State.Mosogar is within 30minutes drive to either Benin City or Warn. It is also about One hour drive to Agbor. All the villages in Mosogar kingdom are linked with asphalts paved road, and electricity (National). Mosogar town has a well laid out road network. (Thanks to Senator Amori). The topography is general flat, stable and well drained. Mosogar is very peaceful and the land is relatively cheap compared to other towns within the vicinity. In terms of manpower, Mosogar has a large pool of graduates of different field, skilled and unskilled labour.
From the foregoing therefore, Mosogar has a huge potential for industrialization. Secondly, the Ethiope River offers a good opportunity for investors such owners of tank farm who may wish to use ocean going vessels. There are vast land by the river bank for tank farms and trailer yard.

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