
The Oporoma clan was founded by Agi. The foremost forebear father Agi was married to Zebe. Agi and Zebe gave birth to 7 children.The ancient settlement of Agi and Zebe were commonly called Boupere which was located at the back of present Oporoma community.

Here are the names of the children as follow:

Angia, Oporo, Onyo, Olu, Aguo, Ekere and Olodi. Seven children were given birth by Agi and Zebe (his wife) came from Kolokuma/Opokuma, Igbedi community to be particular. Note: Igbedi was a younger brother to Agi.

The seven children turned to community names such as, Angiama, Oporoma, Onyoma, Ludoun, Aguobiri, Ekeremor [Ekeremor LGA] and Olodiama [Olodiama clan of SILGA]. With this historical findings, Oporoma clan is fathered by Agi.

However, also, I have made my independent opinion that neither Oporoma community nor Angiama community supposed not to bear a Kingdom as ancestral wise. Instead the Oporoma Clan should bear the “Oporoma kingdom” and the traditional leader of a clan/kingdom should be addressed as His Majesty or Ibe Nanaowei as it was or it is.

The Oporoma Clan Ibenanaowei is His Royal Majesty Bidi Dressman, who came from Aguobiri community [current traditional leader of the clan].

When I saw a poster calling “Angia-ibe” on the 19th February, 2022 I was astonished. Even the very Angia-ibe story has no substantial proof. Because Angiama is derived from Angia/Angi. Adding “Ibe” to Angiama name may appear distorted ancestral history. Even some version claimed Oporoma community, as a founder of Oporoma Clan, is not evidentially proven in the time past and now.

I made a promise here to make a post concerning rooted history of Oporoma clan, in a post Ken Osede, Ebedah Ofoin and Dr Waigha Cameron had a deep conversation about Oporoma clan history and her communities thereof. That’s why I’m making this post in order to set the ancestral historical footage straights.

In summary, Oporoma clan is fathered and founded by Agi. – Ken Osede.