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We the Koloware people we are part of the stock of the Kabovwe kingdom and the Kabovwe is made up of many families if you like call it quarters and Kabovwe himself is the son of Opruza and Opruza had three children, Kabovwe, gbara and Kumbuo. 

Bara and Kabovwe they are the same mother, Kumbuo is the same father with them for certain things that happened. They were all based here, for certain things that happen bara had to go far away settle in many different places so I can’t mention it all. Kumbuo said I won’t live my brother very far away so his nearby and that how you have Agoloma, Sagbama, Egiama all around us here. 

And the children of Kabovwe they are so many but want to talk about our lineage now Kabovwe had Kolowavwwe as the first born Kolowarewe in turn had Zibabore we and taware. Zibabere became so big in population, the population of Zibabere became so big that they felt that they can withhold a cut down tree a big tree they did and many of them died. Those who remained fled so now the remaining properties of prehibila their father is now shed between Koloware and taware, tawarewa is the last born, zibabere was the first followed by kolowarewa but today koloware is the senior. 

Now koloware has three children and namely this three children are oprugusi, sedeyam, and akposu. Now sedeyan didn’t have any child so he’s out of the game, he died under state. Now oprugusi had two children and the two children are tokekeme and ugbosu. Now this amn akposu his children, the children of akposu do not stay, the only surviving child the koloware today is akposu that is the only surviving family in koloware now. Because the left they had to leave their father, their parents the mothers had children problem because the children they gave birth to they died, they give birth they die so this four women one of them went to carry their children and went to Evwreni, another went to Uwheru some went to Ohoro and then to Erowa. 

Now as I said the children of Kolowarewa, are oprugusi sedeyan and Akposu sedeyan had no child so interstate oprugusi had two children tokekeme and ogbosu now akposu who is the third child had some children here but most of the children could not stay because there was always premature death. Because of this premature death the four women that were married to Akposu had to leave to their various parental homes Evwreni, Ohoro, Uwheru and Erowa. And they have made up large families in those places. 

Now the few that are here with us are the family of Ariri is the small family of Akposu that is left here now but the families of ugbosu they are so many. Ugbosu later begot ayeike, egwru, apulu and some other ones. Tokekeme had two wives basically three wives tokekeme children esien that’s another tree of tokekeme, you have afrubu, which is another one. Afrubu got abazi and borobo all this have their own lineage. But esien have so many children but I think I will leave this lineage of esien to the lineage of esien representative to mention his line is that correct, can you please let us turn to esien children family. 

Moderator, I think it will be easy this time around.

Narrator: I said so I want to make it very clear I told you that the kabouwe you already know the father of kabouwe ipruza three other children but the most senior of all of them is koloware. Today. It use to be kabuowe had prehibilia died before he died he had zibabrewe koloware and taware. Now zibabrewe for reason at that time he committed suicide the whole town gathered together and said ehwe are so many we are going to hold this big tree and they cut the tree and the tree killed almost all of them. And then that time the remaining ones had to flee the town because this zibabere people committed that suicide that what I call self destruct and the remaining ones fled. Now the seniority which was in truth fell on kolowarewa. Tawarewe been the junior. 

Kolowarewe infact by the time all this people that is the whole kabuowe people became a people not one family, one family all of them were in this place the call kabulu the toro the canal here this canal leads from the river forcados inside through to Agiama inside there there is another town there it went as far as to that place and that river now burst out to the other river that goes near the bomadi road but that is that area.

 The whole kabuowe people you are seeing from here we are common boundary with agiama but for certain reasons they begin to move out. When they begin to move out we were neighbours with Asamabri and Adagbabri we are neighbours to one another Asamabri and Adagbabri they are the same father but they are not part of prelubua children. That’s another lineage of kabuowe.

 The koloware people koloware had three children namely oprugusi, sedeyan and akposu. Sedeyan had no child only his name oprugusi had two children namely tokekeme and ugbosu. Now ugbosu ahd his own children and had a large family too but because there was death four wives all the four wives their children were dying so all of them migrated with their remaining children to their parental homes Evwreni, Uwheru, Ohoro and Erowa so most of these Akposu children are there but there are some that are remaining akposu children that are remaining the Ariri family they are here.

 The tokekeme children now there are so many of them there is a lineage that tokekeme had afrubu, afrubu had abazi and borobo then the other children, I will not go into detail but all of them yuodiowe, kpakwado, all of them like that too many of them. That all the people made up the koloware community. 

All of us are living along the river that I mentioned here we were bounded by the Adagbabri people and Asamabri people. Some trouble happened a woman went to the bush to farm in the forest and she was raped this woman was raped and when she came back he reported the matter and the matter became a big palava Asamabri people knowing that the Koloware people they are going to retaliate they decided to take the war part the fire the shot into when the koloware people was thinking of what to do they fired a shot and killed another woman. The killing of another woman made the koloware people very angry they wanted to retaliate the Asamabri people now let an old woman to be beating the drum. And they quickly ran all of them move to ekise, ekise people in patani now drove them at this time the kabouwe children that are inside the river in the inner river have now moved to the outside river that is forcados the largest river. So they went to ekise, ekise is now at the water front of forcados river and ekise said no don’t come to us if you come it will trouble to us because koloware will fight us so they now left to Adagbabri across the river the other side of the river and when koloware people were ready to go and fight them, before they could do that they have now left Adagbabri again and went to settle where they are today.

 Now the Koloware people led by another man went to stay with other people went to stay at Abare to begin to do battle, fight this Asamabri people but it turned out that there was a bigger challenge, there was a bigger challenge that was against the life of kabouwe people not Asamabri people, a bigger challenge against kabouwe people because they could not move freely along the river because they were head hunters. So one of them called tabouwe now become a one man. Many people, the people who left, the koloware people that were remaining they are now destinated some living at abare, some torokolare, torokolare is, the people living in tolokolare they went to live in taware because taware is their brother and the remaining people stayed in the originating land here in koloware. But after some time when this eavation of head hunting has died all of them returned back and we are now all settled here in our original land. Now the population and occupation koloware today as we are we are over five thousand people in this town or this community.

 In the year 2006 the census population of the koloware people was four thousand two hundred people but as at today there is no official update of the census. From what am seeing, I think we must have grown to seven thousand or more people now.

 Basically our occupation is fish farming, agricultural crop farming that is our major occupation in those days. But today we are gradually having artisans that are bricklayers that are mechanics that are welders. The type of farming that we had before is what you call subsistence farming, the subsistence farming if it is fishing it’s not mechanize is not the type of farming you compare to people who have, who are mechanize, who are support from the bank so its subsistence and subsistence in crop farming and the he range of farming the land for farming is such that it does not encourage large scale production even compare the way of our land allotment is here it’s very small, compared to what you see in the north. You don’t expect somebody who us a farmer to have more than a particular place let say 500 x 500 feet that is what I call subsistence. 

But when it comes to plantation farming then the hectare is a lot bigger but basically when we say crop farming it is cassava, yams those are the major product that are planted here and the crop like okro pepper they are not so much here it is always mixed farming but the major crop farming is cassava and yam and plantain. It’s only in the plantain area that the lands are large comparatively but even this large farm that you say large farm doesn’t take more than maximum 5000 plantain suckers. That’s a very big one that’s what they do here. Then the fish farming is again subsistence in the sense that it is the type of pond somebody dug and it is not mechanically dug you know which means he can only harvest himself only or himself and his family do the harvest. 

So you see that again is subsistence, there is no mechanical but mechanically produce pond there are very few may be one or perhaps two. So you see the level of activity in fish farming is what I call artisan. The type of artisans that are in the river, here we have more of the swamp so in the swamp there is a way of fishing in the swamp area, by making fences & you make the fence and you set the trap in between the fences. So the production there is comparatively how. If you compare it to what I will call mechanize farming and so these are the occupation of the people today and if you look at it now because of t the level of exposure to education because of the level of education and people are now gradually shifting to blue collar jobs, mechanics all that type of artisans in mechanical, electrical, electronics and the rest and then to white collar jobs, people now work in the offices and so on and so forth. 

But here in this koloware the level of man power pursue to what you call industry is not as what we compare to cities like Warri or Ughelli so we are just developing infact we just had a local government in 1996. 

Reply: As far as koloware is concerned, if you talk about the fertility of the land, it is known it is just seen it is there. In the dry season which we’ll say from December to very dry from December to march if you clear the grass with herbicides, the grass level grow very small but let there be a drop of rain that is it, in three weeks you can get a full grown grass that is more than 15cm or so in just two weeks. So the land, the fertility of land is not questionable at all. Our challenge in areas of farming is that we don’t have the money, the finance and the knowledge to manage large scale farming otherwise if you look at the road it pass along the road you see that basically the trading women, the women that trade, you a lot of plantain and yam now along the road so the land is fertile so we are only looking for people that will invest large scale and there is land, we don’t have a problem of land, land at the other side of the road at this side of the road it is so much that if there is money you can buy acquire land and develop so many hectares of farm land for any of this crops. 

Infact we can plant rice here we have a potential for good rice farming very high potential for rice farming. Infact our land is good for wheat, our land is good for soya bean. Honestly our land is good for soya bean, good for wheat, good for rice, maize, you can plant maize and it will be so, the production of the maize will be so rich so anything, infact cocoa, if you look at the front of my house here you see a cocoa tree so infact there is nothing you want to plant in this our land in our soil that will not be profitable it all depend on who and how much you want to invest and how much you have to invest. So, the potential for investment is not in that at all, our challenge is funds and know how. 

Reply: therefore it’s obvious I will like a situation where am appealing to the general, to the world in general, to finances in general to those people who want to make life good for other people and themselves to come to koloware and see the potentials and enjoy the goodness of entrepreneurship we have land and the people are hardworking, our people are hardworking, our people want to work, our people want to make life better for themselves and other people. 

So infact am encouraging and advising all those who want to invest, whichever way they want to invest to come to koloware we are ready and we’ll welcome them to come and participate. 

Reply: The beautiful thing about the koloware people is that we are very peaceful we are not trouble makers and this facts can be collaborated as you see, there are those who are non-indigenes among us the number of non-indigenes among us testify that we a peace loving and we are ready to accommodate visitors. Take for instance there are people from Isoko land Urhobo land, from Yoruba land, from Ibo land who are living among us and doing their daily jobs, livelihood without any harassment our trouble and our land policy we are drawing, we are attracting people to come to us so that we can have a very good economical economy that will be beneficial both to our people and those and those who want to invest. 

Our people and are not hostile out all this fact can be collaborated to come and see the number 10 of people who are foreigners who have built their own houses in koloware. If we are hostile if our land policy was so bad not attractive. I don’t think what people who emigrated into this place will have houses of their own that they built, we welcome strangers, our land policy towards acquisition of land is very very encouraging, I use to have a friend who told me that a trial will conceive you come and see what happens here, if you are interested and you want to invest in koloware first of all come and see the number of people who are immigrants who have emigrated into koloware who have their own houses, if our policy if we are not friendly can people build houses in our community, who are not members of our community, no. so we say without a stranger you cannot survive, without an emigrant you cannot survive along only yourself no. the people or emigrants that come the bring change and beneficial change not changes that will cause trouble no, because basically their intention of coming is to find a livelihood. Somebody who finds a livelihood is not coming to make trouble and we are not ready to make trouble with that person. And that is why we have a policy that attracts people to us. So I am encouraging whether you are a Nigerian whether you are European wherever part you are coming from in the world to come to koloware in patani local government you will find it very very conducive to do your business. 

Introductions: I am Chief Diayemu Douglas, tayebowe, I am the clan chief of kabouwe kingdom and I reside in koloware, am a koloware man. 

My name is Mr. Friday Owei, native of koloware town thank you. 

Reply: Well the culture of my people most of my people are Christians and most of them are pagans. 

Reply: Well if you go according to our tradition we have things doing in the ideal way like mostly me myself am not a Christian am a full pagan, I can’t hide myself and anything of juju or shrine all those things am present there always. They use me and any other things in these activities, the Christian line am not among, but the traditional line am number one.   

Reply: Yes, one we have temba, the strongest juju that we have in this our community is temba, two is bowasei and the third one is bowara, it is the bowara that give us goat every year, you eat goat well because people are going wrong every time in that place. So they give us goat to serve it very well thank you.  

Reply: That Temba which I mentioned the time that when our forefathers were alive with us we have one lake at this back, inside this forest if you want to go and fish in that place if you call it Atemba am going to your lake oh, bless me today, you are not coming empty you get a lot of fish to the house and it’s still existing till today. So the first man that was serving it before had died, am taking over now. 

So I don’t want to give it anybody am taking over   

Reply: The next one which is bowasei, that one is war juju, that one if two town want to jam if the whole of koloware people the ones that are pagan if we run inside that place and come out to war, none of them will stain and there will be a big rain there till we will go and finish our mission there and come back here successfully, that is the work of that juju we have and that one eat only fowl it does not eat goat, it’s fowl they use to serve it before they do it. 

The other one which I called bowara, it’s a woman juju that one is the whole clan that have it, the kabouwe clan as a whole, that one has its own feast, every year once every year, when it set down, when they want to do the feast all the kabouwe clan women gather that very one day it does not eat animal its only fish, it feeds on river fish the whole clan will gather dance – the night it has close that day. That is what we use for that one, that one always bless the town women very well, those who believe on it, it will always bless them. That woman juju bless them very well, it’s still there, it’s the one eating the new yam festival, he’s the one doing it.  

Reply: Our main festival is the bowara, the Ayaburoge the new yam festival in our language they call it Ayaburoge, the English one is new yam festival and the okabuwe town and everybody, if you are free, they will come and eat it here. Here is the clan head.  

Reply: It’s April 10th every year is when we do it. 

Reply: Yes we were doing that before but now all those masquerade that we carve, that we design ant has destroyed all of them so nowadays present bones we don’t know how to carve them again. And we are looking for means to go and buy them and we don’t have money if not we are the best dancers being the clan senior town. We are the ones that will teach our children, masquerade was our field before but now ant has destroyed the things. 

Reply: It’s a lie, church did not drive them, is that church anywhere an holding my side strong they should also hold theirs.   

Reply: Thank you sir, the forbidden things now even as at then in this our custom we don’t carry women to the bush to sex. If you do that one seven goat, seven yam, seven plantain, we did not see you, you are the only one who took her to the bush to sex if you like close your mouth, you and your mouth will go, you will die the woman will die or even all your children will die unless you confess and do the necessary things before they will serve. Like me before I will serve will take the mud pond put in ogogoro drink for you if not you are going, they don’t fight in the bush even you, even town man not only strangers, its only the town man that does not fight in the bush. You can use your mouth to quarrel but you don’t use your hand even your wife is a forbidden thing even that one the goat is there. 

You do not dig or make any medicine against your brother that is a forbidden thing if you do it where you want to do it before you get home you will begin to swell up like bread your body cannot enter clothes again, you will be very fat we’ll just know that this one has gone beyond the god’s. If the person does not talk, the person will die. So those are the only forbidden things we have even till today now. 

Reply: Nowadays there are no better Christians which Christian there are no better Christians. 

Reply: If you are among you are going then they put you down no better Christians nowadays Christians intend to come and look for me church today is now Nigeria company. 

But sir, I want to let you know, now government are not taking care of us very well. 

Reply: Now to me have introduced a new one to them, it is every October 1st, we make traditional wrestling in the morning as from 9’o clock we all we gather at the field we will wrestle each other, we will blow our bones and know how they are, then in the evening we will kill one goat, bring musician or musical set we play everybody free drink, free food till dawn that is my personal one have introduce to the people.  

Reply: My brother they don’t contribute, but if the thing is sweet they will come they don’t contribute for each other. Now that is what is there but they know that me no how I must raise 40,000 to 50,000 I will tell them that look the thing has started people will follow me, that is how they do it. The drink you will buy, I will buy that is how we buy for the fathers and mothers because they don’t have money for us again but come and stay with us that is how we do it.  

Reply: Yes, my father that gave birth to me is about hundred and six years plus, he died 18th April now the next man is almost ninety nine again is in this our town even this papa that is here is a person of about ninety plus now he is still young and sharp because he did not do farm work he is not old. This papa has advance as you are seeing him.

Reply: To me, for my father that died they say it, they say he is the clan senior, the whole clan is the senior man that his burial they will take part in it, that is what they told us. 

Reply: No not yet its February 20th coming year 2015.   

Reply: Okay, that one is a bitter interview, you know that women, nowadays, women it is the one that like you it is the one God send you that is the one you will marry if woman marry and today she leaves you if am you I let her go to another place to try. 

Reply: The culture says if your wife divorce, you need to go and meet the parents to take your 10 naira that you paid on her head but to me I don’t take anything and I don’t care for them. Because I have other six I don’t take anything leave her let her go and try. Some where else but that is the culture they will take the little money they paid on their head but for me it is meaningless to me whether you give birth or you don’t give birth I will leave you. 

Lawrence: My name is Lawrence Biekpeme the last man who spoke said something about my age he did not know it, am have just clocked my 81st birthday he put it over 90 I am looking forward that ninety.  

Reply: I came to koloware here to settle, it’s about 3 years now that I came to koloware to settle. I spent all my years in Lagos, I came before the flood and I see so many challenges about this place, the challenges for instance, the women we understand there is a well health care centre in koloware that building have not been completed its not functional, I wanted to be checking my B.P every time, even B.P I cannot go there to check that tells you that we need it a big challenge, somebody like myself I suppose to have my B.P checked the only way by which I go to check my B.P is Patani Local Government Area in Patani there, from here to Patani and come back, I take it as a distance, if we have an health care centre here instead of going to Patani for simple thing like knowing your B.P or any other thing it could be done right here in the health centre but that is not there. So we need a health centre badly, we need an health centre that is bared for that purpose, that is completed and equipped but at the moment there is nothing like that. So it’s a challenge the school itself too is another challenge because for instance, I see our going from here to oproza patani for school in the morning and they have to take transport, to and fro will cause them a lot and that makes them not to be regular in their schools they are said to be going to school but if you look at their attendance, there is nothing to talk about it’s very poor and because of the distance even those who are there who are said to be schooling there because they are not regular, there is nothing to show for themselves, nothing to show, that’s the performance is not there. 

If you want to perform well in a school, you cannot go two times, three times a week and leave the other days you have to go from Monday till Friday, so we need, koloware is suppose to have a secondary school that our boys and girls will attend, some are even going to Adagbabri, Adagbabri centre, they have to go from here to Adagbabri for that so indicationally we have a challenge we need a secondary school here just as we need a health centre. A functioning health centre, those are the two main challenges see here. As somebody who is just new in the town, this light problem is another challenge, we are not having light regularly here, somebody like myself need a place where there is constant supply of electricity but no light. In a month, how many times do we have light so that is the challenge. A big challenge. The government or the local government I don’t whose responsibility it is to give us regular light if it is the place of the government, let them make it very well and make sure that we have lights. Constantly, that is a challenge. 

I have talked about health, have talked about education, and have talked about many things.  

Reply: Madam 

CARO: My name is Mrs. Caroline Niyekpemi, am married to koloware, here am not an indigene here, but I married here, but I just like an indigene because where you marry is where you belong to, to start with actually, the women are facing a lot of problem because of the health centre that is not in existence, we have one but it’s not yet completed and the pregnant women are really suffering because they go from here to Ughelli or Patani and like now that the patani hospital is under construction people who are in labour pain, they suffer it now because I learnt they are constructing the hospital at patani now. So most people go to Ughelli and it’s very far which is not good. Had it been we have existing health centre, it would have been better, it would have been easier for the women for their ante-natal clinic or delivery, that is giving birth to their children but because the health centre we have is not in existence, they are going far, that’s one aspect of it. For parents to train a child from primary school to a university level and the child will now make it and come out there is no job, the child you have tried for to go to school, the child has gone to read. Something and come back, no job as it is not good, so the government should try and see that unemployment issue that is facing us, they should do something better for us for that educational aspect of it. Thank you.   

Caroline: Yes actually assistance in the farming line because we are not buoyant, we want the government to come and assist us financially for our farming because our lands but there is no finance to do the farming work proper in a big way, so we are just doing it in a small way. So we need the assistance of the government to come in and assist the women. In the farming aspect of it. 

Diafemi: What do you mean by political challenge, we have take for instance we have less than five unit, we use to have three and now up to five units and do you know that they said PDP has been the reigning party in this place and it is like those people who are in charge, they take the opportunity to do what they like and choose who they like they assume the position of God father, I don’t like you stop, it is this person I like koloware people are not represented, all nobody because in the way I look at it party ought to have units, the ward, the local government.

 I don’t see where PDP even though we are represented, how there is any benefit coming to koloware. When has a koloware man been a member of the local government council elected local government council. I can’t remember, maybe about ten years ago or even more 

What is the benefit that is coming in terms of the things that they do, infrastructure that is done into the town, I see nothing, the local government, we are benefiting nothing. Only recently we were promised that they will pay light bills. Oh for over two years or almost three years now we have not, infact we are now owing over five hundred thousand naira, so you can imagine if we are owing over five hundred thousand naira that we would have paid easily if we are to pay personally in our clan, but that wad has been thrown on us now and the local government promised that they were going to do it that doesn’t affect only koloware, it is the whole local government. But you can see that. Take that apart where are those men or women that have been employed if you think of employment in the local government because we have any representation we don’t have anybody in the local government, on like people who are well represented in Patani they are there. 

Honestly we are the most marginalize people, despite people in this local government and that’s why maybe if the coming of APC may be we would fined favour there, otherwise as it stands and from what we are hearing in this new local government election that is going to come up in any time in October, I heard recently that to be a counselor you will spend nothing less than 1 million naira, how many koloware young boys and men have one million naira to spend for the primary before you become elected as a counselor. One million naira, if you are not elected finally you are not the flag bearer, sorry you are on your own, how do you pay debts if you had gone to borrow money, commit suicide any way so if you fight about political challenges because we don’t have a representation who will give us schools, who will repair those things, those facilities or the health centre that has been work in progress for over 5 years work in progress because we don’t have a representation, thank God they built it they roofed it, what of actually making it functional, where is the plastering, where are the dust refilled, we don’t have anybody which road has been  tied here, no road, who wants to take care of us who even think that we exist but we vote, we cast our votes.

 Am not lambasting PDP but you can see for yourself, let the PDP come around and see because that is the only party, it’s the only existing party, why not the monopoly. Let see if APC comes and let’s see what happens maybe the monopoly will be broken, but as a matter of fact talking about challenges politically, I don’t have god father, we don’t have so we are looking. 

I don’t know maybe by this statement let them be challenge and say let us have a second thought and look at koloware true there is nothing, we have water that was brought since deffri now because of the dualization of the road it’s no more there. The dualization has taken the water away. Yes if you look there is an over high tank, it is on and off because we don’t have the means to repair it, its solar based, the technology is solar, so if it is bad, the solar we don’t know the work of the thing, if it doesn’t work it doesn’t work so there is no water.  

 Go and look at the river, because the water is not flowing what of water needs, what of people who throw excreters into the water, the water is so contaminated that I can tell you that we are not far from ringworm, bad worms, guinea worms medically I think we are been desearched, I think it is only the grace of the almighty that is protecting us, in terms of medical challenges, drinking water is a problem we have to contribute money every month to repair our hand pumps, mono pumps and because the mono pumps have existed for so long, they are now corroding, so we don’t have good water, portable water, we don’t have, come and see little children fighting because they want to fetch water either in the morning or in the evening. Even women, grown up women, thank God for those who do call people who have bore holes because 5% of the koloware people do they have bore hole that’s another challenge. 

We talk about the primary schools; some NGO came and built something. Honestly when we begin to say the work they do is inferior people who are in government begin to oppose us and say shut up why should you talk this thing is not good, so go and look at the floor, go and look at the root, go and look at the ceilings they are not well done jobs. Of course the NGO’s have very good intentions but government workers who direct it, I don’t know and the contractors and the government workers they connive to short change the society, the community, poor work, poor job done, who are you going to report to, so all this things are there, those are areas again.

 What of in terms of assistance, how many have we been told that the government, the delta state government has sent money for farmers to assist farmers. I never see it on the ground, this money is hijacked by politicians and it never comes down here out all I don’t want to personalize, if have nothing less than fourteen ponds and if I have my money to run it at least I will employ nothing less than twenty people on the minimum, where is the assistance coming from, I have this what is called limitation, capital limitation the smallest of my ponds is 40 by 80 feet long, 40 feet wide, 80 feet long. 

I have bonds at least three of my ponds I have nothing less than 120 feet by 30 feet, I have one that is about 60 feet by 200 feet, here we are the limitation fund. I am thinking infact I am thinking of employing because I understand the purpose of multiplying effect even though am not an economist, if we employ, we are able to employ twenty to thirty people working can you imagine what that means thirty people working in a place. There will be another source of industry people who cook, who bring the food, they go and buy and they will come and sell to the workers, the workers get their money they pay school fees, they buy clothes that is the multiply effect. We can do it here, and all the money that has been voted that the government sent out to farmers on the ground never get to them. It is hijacked before it gets down here, the agricultural extension officer they come, we talk and talk and its not their fault the money will never come, the money will never come.   

And the banks are not helping same, it is in the air small scale industry. It is in the area not in this area, assist farmers of how many circle occupant’s don’t I have no, how many visibilities report no. So, what do we do, I told you this place is fertile we are only looking for funds and we are looking if we can’t get the funds it will be a beautiful thing if entrepreneurs can come and see what we have on the ground and our friendliness. We encourage them to know, to assist them because we know what is all about. 

It will mean a change in our standard of living, when it will mean a change in our standard of living, when will this standard of living change, if there is nothing coming, no assistance, nothing coming to assist us to change it we are appealing, we are appealing please whoever is soul minded into invest, whoever is so minded to want the better for his neighbor please come over here, come over to koloware, look at the potentials we have, we are ready to give land because we know the benefit. If you ask of many hectares of land, we are ready to give you, we have so much land, can you imagine if you are a rice farmer, if you are a wheat farmer, if you are a sugar cane farmer. Doing sugar business ready to produce. We understand the number of people you will employ locally and outside the multiply effect is that we’ll have houses, they will be rented out those are only one of the multiply effect. Our women or men will do business, other business supply food selling catering all that type of thing infact tailoring multiplying effect. How does economy expand, what we mean by expansion of economy, it is the industry, small scale industry, big scale industry. Please we are asking, come we will receive you with open hands and open mind not only hands that are open, but very clean hearted, please come, we have land, we have some people, you can bring your people and we make a team for progress and prosperity. Thank you. 

Chief: 2012 the flood was unprecedented when we counted the houses that collapsed, it were forty houses that collapsed, my mother’s house was one of them and not only that, all the fish ponds, if you look at my fish pond, I was making a lot of money from there, all the fish walked away, even some block houses collapsed then crops, cassava farms, plantain all fell so there was heavy hunger in the year 2013. It was a serious case. 

After the flood of 2012, 2013 before you plant things and grow before you harvest them there were lot of hunger.      

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